FastNet Business internet banking
Bank online in real-time, anywhere, with total visibility and control over your finances. This includes payment authorisation, access limits for staff and options for international banking and trust management.
Professional Trust makes it easy to keep your clients’ funds separate from your own. By creating separate accounts for each client, it’s also easy to see each client’s exact balance, including interest.
You can open each client’s account as an on-call account for regular transactions, or as a fixed term deposit to maximise interest returns.
Generate electronic ASB statements as PDFs at any time for your clients. You can also provide a detailed summary of transactions on account closure, including any interest accrued up to that point.
Generate a wide range of customised reports on all of your trust funds. See your total funds under management and decide the proportion of interest to credit to your clients.
Tell us about your business and how we can help, and one of our team will get back to you.
Contact us from 8:00am to 8:00pm, Monday to Friday.
ASB's terms apply. To use Professional Trust your business must be a Reporting Entity as defined within the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML&CFT) or operate under the Financial Transactions Reporting Act 1996 or approved by ASB to comply with AML&CFT requirements.