Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand, winners of the 2017 America’s Cup! You’ve made us proud.

As we welcome our heroes home, we say goodbye to the Ghost of San Francisco. Watch as he looks back on the last four years, packs his things and finally leaves us in peace.

The America’s Cup is the world’s oldest sporting trophy, and ASB has been proud to support Emirates Team New Zealand since 2000. And yet  - every time they race, our hearts do too.

Innovation and risk taking have been a huge part of the Emirates Team New Zealand 2017 campaign, proving that a culture of asking questions, testing and teamwork all play their part in success - on and off the water.

Whether it be the introduction of cyclors on board, the punishing training regimes, or performing under pressure, a little Kiwi spirit goes a long way.  

While NZ hasn’t necessarily been able to compete on dollar terms with teams abroad, it’s our people that give us an advantage and our collective attitude to excellence on and off the water.

Our Sea of Support shows the team we’ve all been behind them to bring the Americas Cup back home.

Once again, a massive congratulations to the whole of Emirates Team New Zealand, from all the team here at ASB.