Everyday money tips

This is a great workshop to start with. We'll help you to understand your approach to money and guide you through some simple money ideas to help you manage your money with confidence. We cover how to make a budget, ways to organise your accounts, tips for staying on top of your spending and the free tools that can help you stay on track with your money goals.

Getting savvy with savings

Everyone's savings goals look a little different. Whether it’s having some money set aside for emergencies, or saving towards a bigger goal like a first home or retirement, this workshop will help you get clear on your goals and how to achieve them.

Borrow smart and pay off debt

Staying on top of debt can be a challenge. This workshop looks at different types of debt and why it can be hard to manage. You’ll get practical tips on how to get debt free faster and how to be smart with your borrowing.

Getting into your first home

This workshop steps you through the home buying process, from getting your deposit together to making the purchase and protecting your most valuable asset. Even if you’ve just started saving for your deposit, now is a great time to get tips and ideas that will help you get into your first home. 

Paying off your home loan

If you have a home loan and you’re looking for ideas on how to pay it off faster, this workshop can help. We’ll explore the different ideas that could help you get debt free sooner.

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