ASB Medium Term Notes (ABB110)
Issued 16 November 2022
ASB Medium Term Notes are unsubordinated, unsecured fixed rate notes of ASB Bank Limited (ASB) that are due to be repaid in full on the maturity date (16 November 2026).
Investments in ASB Medium Term Notes are an investment in ASB and may be affected by the ongoing performance, financial position and solvency of ASB.
Please note that these documents are available for your information. This ASB Medium Term Notes offer is closed and is no longer available for application.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this ASB website is designed for use by New Zealand residents only. Neither ASB Bank Limited, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group, nor any of their directors, nor any other person guarantees the securities or returns made in respect of the securities. The securities are subject to investment risk including loss of income and principal invested.