How can I accept my loan documentation through FastNet Classic internet banking?

Last Updated: 30 Oct 2017

Accepting your loan digitally is easy through FastNet Classic and if there's a document waiting to be accepted, we'll send a you notification.

1. Log into FastNet Classic, select the notification bell in the page header and click 'View Agreement'.

My Message notification in FastNet Classic internet banking menu

2. Review your loan details and then select 'As soon as possible' or another date you’d like the loan funds to be made available.

Loan details and loan date options in FastNet Classic loan agreement

3. Open and review the Facility Agreement and Terms and Conditions pdfs and click the 'I accept & agree' buttons for each document.

facility agreement and terms and conditions acceptance options in FastNet Classic loan agreement

4. If you feel that you need more time, select the 'I'll do this later' option. You still have until the expiry date to accept them and if there's anything you'd like to discuss, please contact your lending specialist or account manager.

I'll do this later option in FastNet Classic loan agreement

5. If you agree to all the terms and conditions, click the tick box and then select the 'Next' button.

Confirmation of loan in FastNet Classic loan agreement

6. On the next screen enter the Netcode that was sent to your mobile phone or use your Netcode token if you have one. Then select 'Finish' and you're all done. 

Entering Netcode and completing loan acceptance in FastNet Classic

To print or save your documents:

  1. Open the loan document in Adobe Reader; if you don't have this, download free from
  2. Once the document is opened, right click at the bottom of the page and a menu bar will appear to the option to save or print.

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