ASB KiwiSaver Scheme
Interested in the ASB KiwiSaver Scheme Aggressive Fund?
ASB Investment Funds
Interested in the ASB Investment Funds Aggressive Fund?
What you need to know
We’ve got a range of different KiwiSaver and Investment Fund options to suit your goals and values. Our Aggressive Funds aim for the highest returns of all our funds over the long term, for those who can accept more ups and downs.
ASB KiwiSaver Scheme Aggressive Fund
ASB Investment Funds Aggressive Fund
Target investment mix*
Income assets 6% / Growth assets 94%
Income assets 6% / Growth assets 94%
Minimum suggested timeframe
12 years
12 years
Potential return**
Highest of our ASB KiwiSaver Scheme funds
Highest of our ASB Investment funds
Highest of our ASB KiwiSaver Scheme funds
Highest of our ASB Investment funds
Annual fund fees***
0.75% p.a.
1.18% p.a.
Find out more
Find out more about the ASB KiwiSaver Scheme.
Find out more about ASB Investment Funds.
*The target investment mix may change from time to time and the actual investment mix may differ from the target mix.
**Returns are not guaranteed and may be negative.
***Estimated percentage of the net asset value of the fund.
Our KiwiSaver funds and tools
Help me choose
We can help you select the best ASB KiwiSaver Scheme fund for your situation.
Compare our funds
We offer a range of funds with a different mix of income and growth assets to help achieve your investment goals.
Our Investment funds and tools
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Answer some simple questions to see if investing could be right for you.
Compare our funds
We offer a range of funds with a different mix of income and growth assets to help achieve your investment goals.
Our commitment to responsible investing
Incorporating responsible investment practices can help deliver the best possible financial outcome for you. This could be contributing towards returns, preserving your capital, or a balance of the two. It also ensures our investments are consistent with the values of our customers. Learn more about our approach to responsible investing.
Signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment. This commits us as an organisation to enhancing our responsible investing practices, and contributing to developing a more sustainable global financial system.
Membership with the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA). RIAA is the largest and most active network of people and organisations engaged in responsible, ethical and impact investing across Australia and New Zealand.
Founding Signatory to the Aotearoa New Zealand Stewardship Code. This commits us to adopting and embedding the Code and publishing our first stewardship report in 2024.
Contact us
Interests in the ASB KiwiSaver Scheme and ASB Investment Funds (Schemes) are issued by ASB Group Investments Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of ASB Bank Limited (ASB). ASB provides administration and distribution services for the Schemes. No person guarantees interests in the Schemes. Interests in the Schemes are not deposits or other liabilities of ASB. They are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of income and principal invested. Fees may change. For more information see the ASB KiwiSaver Scheme Product Disclosure Statement or the ASB Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement available from this website and the register of offers of financial products at (search for ASB).