Change to the ASB Visa Platinum Rewards and ASB Visa Gold Travel Insurance policy

Due to the removal of cheques, we have removed reference to cheques from the ASB Visa Platinum Rewards and ASB Visa Gold travel insurance policy. The change is specific to the use of an ASB cheque as a way to pay 50% or more of your overseas travel to meet the activation criteria for your credit card travel insurance policy.

These changes are effective from Monday 16 August 2021 for new and existing customers.

The updated ASB Visa Platinum Rewards travel policy is available here.

The updated ASB Visa Gold travel policy is available here.

ASB is withdrawing all foreign notes services from 2 July 2021

As more customers enjoy the simplicity, convenience and security of ASB Debit and Credit cards when travelling overseas, and with the reduction in international travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ASB is withdrawing all foreign notes services from 2 July 2021. This means ASB will no longer buy or sell foreign notes from this date. Find out more.

The applicable Terms and Conditions relating to foreign notes services will be amended as follows, effective from 2 July 2021:

  • Foreign Exchange Terms and Conditions: Section 6. Foreign Cash deleted
  • Foreign Currency Account and Global Markets Term Deposit Terms and Conditions: Clause 6.9, which references fees related to foreign notes used for a foreign currency term deposit, deleted.

The updated Terms and Conditions will be available here.

Change to ASB Rural Savings Products, effective from 10 May 2021

ASB will be withdrawing the following rural savings products on Monday 10 May 2021:

Rural Moneymaker (legacy product)
Farmsaver (legacy product)
Rural Accelerator (legacy product)
Rural Call
Rural Call Negotiated

All impacted customers will be contacted prior to closure.

Changes to Omni and Streamline Fees

ASB wishes to announce an amendment to previously announced fee changes.From 01 March 2021 Omni fees will now be: 
Self-service transactions: Free
Staff assisted transactions: $0.80c

In addition, we are making some changes to the fees on our Streamline product.  From 01 March 2021 the new fees will be:
Self-service transactions: Free
Staff assisted transactions: $0.80c