ASB Advice Centre availability
The ASB Branch Locator can be used to see the opening hours and services for your local ASB Advice Centre (branch) or ATM.
Banking from home
How-to Hub
Did you know you can do almost all of your day-to-day banking on the ASB Mobile banking app and FastNet classic internet banking?
If you’re new to internet banking or just want a refresher, we’ve got a series of step-by-step guides to help you get started with banking on your computer, phone or tablet. It’s important to us you feel confident and secure while banking online.
ASB FastPhone
ASB FastPhone gives you access to your bank accounts anywhere, anytime, allowing you to check your balance, pay bills or move money between accounts.
To register for FastPhone call our Contact Centre on 0800 803 804. Once registered simply call Fastphone from any touchtone phone within New Zealand on 0800 272 272 (0800 ASB ASB).
Getting in touch
Send us a secure message using Josie the Chatbot via the ASB Mobile Banking app. Josie can answer more questions than ever and if needed will pass you onto a team member.
Our Contact Centre is open 8am - 8pm on weekdays or 8.30am – 5pm on weekends and holidays - 0800 803 804.
Please be patient if there is a delay as call volumes are much higher than normal.
Our 65+ Priority Line is available for customers 65 and over 8am - 8pm on weekdays or 8.30am - 5pm on weekends and holidays - 0800 272 119.