We're here to help
Stay up to date with the latest business supports here or get in touch with your relationship manager to discuss your individual needs.
Business support package queries
What is the ASB Business Hub?
The ASB Business Hub is a microsite of ASB that was designed for small business customers, and contains support and information on everything from managing the impact of COVID-19 on business through to how to optimise and create efficiencies.
The hub also includes a range of customer stories, digitisation guides and discounted offers from our partners, such as Xero and MYOB.
Check out the ASB Business Hub today.
What will happen when my temporary overdraft facility ends?
If the overdraft isn’t paid back, the unarranged interest rate of 22.5% p.a. will apply. However your relationship manager will work with you on what is appropriate for your circumstances.
What happens if I need to extend any of the options you have available further than three months?
Please keep in contact with your relationship manager so we can work with you on what is appropriate for your circumstances.
If I'm on an interest only loan term now can I still apply for a mortgage payment deferral?
Yes, all options to assist will be considered.
Can I break my fixed rates and will ASB waive the ERA?
No. Our current policy on ERA applies.
Access and security
When my employees work from home, will they be able to access FastNet Business?
With many businesses having staff working away from their usual location it is important to ensure they retain the capability to transact online where needed.
We recommend that both you and your team check your access to FastNet Business from home.
Before you begin, your FastNet Business administrator should check you have the right permissions, access and limits. This is also a good time to review if you need to add or remove users. Check this via Administration > User Profiles.
If you are set up with IP Address Verified so you can only access FastNet Business from trusted locations, your administrator can set your profile to 'Out of Office'. When Out of Office is set for a user, they will need to enter the number displayed on their Netcode token when they sign on. Set this via Administration > User Profiles > User ID.
Remember to take your Netcode token home with you each day.
When you check your access from home, you should test different scenarios your business could face and work out if your users have what they need to get through. For example, accessing your finance systems and processing a payment using FastNet Business.
We also recommend payment authorisers download the FastNet Business app - ASB Mobile Business. This will allow for easy authorisation of your payments using an iPhone or Android smartphone from anywhere.
If you need to make changes to FastNet Business, you can find the forms online.
You can find more help online for FastNet Business. For further assistance, the FastNet Business Helpdesk is available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm NZT on 0800 225 527. If calling from outside of New Zealand please call +64 9 623 8763.
We need to increase our FastNet Business daily limits. How do we do this?
Your FastNet Business administrator will be able to change your FastNet Business user limits up to their own limit online via User Profiles, or increase a user or account limit permanently using the Change Request Form.
However, should you have urgent payments to process you have a couple of options:
- Find another authoriser to send if you have exceeded your user limit
- Split the payment(s) over a few days or to a future date with sufficient limits
- Exclude non-urgent payees
- Send a signed payment release request to the FastNet Business Help Desk before 8pm
Due to reduced helpdesk hours, we recommend processing payments earlier in the day in the event limits need to be increased or payments released.
If your payment requires two authorisations, please refrain from using FastCheque payment option as it requires on the spot authorisation.
Should you have any trouble processing payroll or any other essential payments, please contact the FastNet Business Help Desk or your Relationship Manager to help find a solution that suits.
I received an ASB email about COVID-19 which could be phishing. What should I do?
Be extra aware of scams circulating in relation to COVID-19. Remember, ASB will never ask you to log into internet banking from an email or txt message. Please forward all suspicious emails to phishing@asb.co.nz
Corporate Banking
If you have questions or concerns regarding what coronavirus means for you or how it may impact your business, contact your relationship manager sooner rather than later.
We'll tailor options that meet your needs and work side-by-side with you through this challenge.