Money to invest
Looking to invest? Term deposits and ASB Term Fund accounts are investment options that provide a fixed return over the time period you choose.
With a term deposit or ASB Term Fund account you earn a fixed return over a time period that you choose. This could help you reach your savings goal faster.
6 months
9 months
12 months
Enjoy fixed returns to suit your savings goals – from 30 days to five years
Payment options to reinvest or pay out at maturity
Pay your interest directly into your New Zealand dollar bank account
Easy to open and manage your term investments using FastNet Classic internet banking.
With a term deposit you'll earn a fixed interest rate for a fixed period of time. You will need to give us 31 days' notice if you wish to make an early withdrawal.
A PIE alternative to a term deposit, which may provide a better after-tax return than a term deposit offering the same rate, term and fees - if you're on a 30% or higher income tax rate. You won't be able to make an early withdrawal from an ASB Term Fund, except in exceptional circumstances approved by ASB.
A PIE alternative to a Savings On Call account, which may provide a better after-tax return than a Savings On Call account offering the same rate and fees - if you are on a 30% or higher income tax rate. You can make a withdrawal at any time however, you need to maintain a minimum account balance of $500.
Resident withholding tax (RWT) is the tax deducted on interest paid to New Zealand tax residents on their deposit accounts. Find out more information about RWT if you are not sure what rate you should be on.
Prescribed investor rate (PIR) is the tax that applies to PIE products like an ASB Term Fund account. Find out more information about PIR if you are not sure what rate you should be on.
Log in to FastNet Classic internet banking and go to 'Open & Apply' or join now if you're not yet with ASB or registered for FastNet Classic.
Decide how much to invest, for how long, and how your interest or returns should be paid.
Confirm the details and that's it. You're good to go.
Log in anytime to manage your investment.
ASB's Terms and Conditions apply. Minimum deposit $5,000. Rates may change. Rates not available to financial institutions. Maximum amount across all term deposits held either solely or jointly with any person is $10 million.
For more information on ASB Term Fund refer to the ASB Term Fund and ASB Cash Fund Terms and Conditions. Units in the ASB Term Fund are issued by ASB Group Investments Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of ASB Bank Limited ("ASB"). Investments made in the ASB Term Fund are not deposits with ASB. ASB guarantees account balances and returns due but not paid (less fees
and any PIE tax). The guarantee is unsecured.