What’s the difference between Savings On Call and an ASB Cash Fund?

Last Updated: 24 Sep 2021

If you’re saving money but still like the flexibility to access your money any time, a Savings On Call or ASB Cash Fund account may be suitable for you.

There are two key differences between Savings On Call and an ASB Cash Fund account:

  1. The tax you pay on your interest/returns, and

  2. The minimum balance required in your account.

At a glance:


Tax rate

Minimum balance

Savings On Call

Your Resident Withholding Tax rate (RWT)


ASB Cash Fund

Your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR)


So if your income tax rate is more than 28%, you could  get a better after-tax return by putting your money into an ASB Cash Fund, compared to the after-tax return of a Savings On Call account offering the same rate and charging the same fees.

You can find out more information about how to work out your PIR by visiting our PIR help page or visiting Inland Revenue’s website for more information on PIRs.

The minimum balance required in your account

  • No minimum balance is needed for a Savings On Call account.

  • The minimum balance needed for an ASB Cash Fund account is $500.

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