You can withdraw your savings when you turn 65. If you have any questions about retirement withdrawal eligibility give us ...
For general information about KiwiSaver, check: www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver (for information about KiwiSaver) www.sorted.org.nz (for information about saving and budgeting) You can ...
There's no minimum time you must live in a house bought using a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal.
Yes – each KiwiSaver first home withdrawal application is assessed on an individual basis.
If you close your accounts Save the Change will switch off. If you have nominated more than one savings account, ...
If you are contributing to your KiwiSaver account, you may be eligible to receive an annual Government contribution (also known ...
You will be eligible for the annual Government contribution (also known as a member tax credit) if you: are a ...
After they join KiwiSaver, you should deduct contributions from their next payday. If an employee (who is over 18 and ...
That's easy. You can switch off Save the Change any time you like through the ASB Mobile Banking app or ...
If for any reason we can’t transfer your savings into one of your nominated savings accounts, the funds will simply ...
You will be eligible for the annual Government contribution (also known as a member tax credit) if you: are a ...
If you are contributing to your KiwiSaver account, you may be eligible to receive an annual Government contribution (also known ...
Yes, a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal can be used to buy land, provided you intend to build a home to ...
Save the Change doesn’t apply on transactions involving: Credit Cards (including refunded purchases). Cheques. Transfers. Transactions processed in an ASB ...
Yes. If you are on a savings suspension, you can still get the annual Government contribution (also known as a ...
Yes – each KiwiSaver first home withdrawal application is assessed on an individual basis.
If for any reason we can’t transfer your savings into one of your nominated savings accounts, the funds will simply ...
If you have insurance cover attached to your Australian superannuation funds, this could cease when transferring your savings to a ...
Complete this searching for lost super form or, if you know your tax file number (TFN), use the Australian Taxation ...
Your final transfer amount will depend on the exchange rate. Usually your Australian provider will pay by International Money Transfer, ...
You can withdraw your savings when you turn 65. If you have any questions about retirement withdrawal eligibility give us ...
For general information about KiwiSaver, check: www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver (for information about KiwiSaver) www.sorted.org.nz (for information about saving and budgeting) You can ...
There's no minimum time you must live in a house bought using a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal.
Yes – each KiwiSaver first home withdrawal application is assessed on an individual basis.
If you close your accounts Save the Change will switch off. If you have nominated more than one savings account, ...
If you are contributing to your KiwiSaver account, you may be eligible to receive an annual Government contribution (also known ...
You will be eligible for the annual Government contribution (also known as a member tax credit) if you: are a ...
After they join KiwiSaver, you should deduct contributions from their next payday. If an employee (who is over 18 and ...
That's easy. You can switch off Save the Change any time you like through the ASB Mobile Banking app or ...
If for any reason we can’t transfer your savings into one of your nominated savings accounts, the funds will simply ...