What does Market Volatility Mean? Market Volatility refers to ups and downs in investment values. From time to time, we ...
Your employer doesn’t have to make contributions after you reach 65. If you’re still working and making employee contributions, talk ...
You can withdraw your savings when you turn 65. If you have any questions about retirement withdrawal eligibility give us ...
You can leave your savings invested and continue to make contributions to your ASB KiwiSaver Scheme account after you are ...
If you’ve been enrolled in the ASB KiwiSaver Scheme because it's your employer's chosen KiwiSaver scheme, you will have received ...
For general information about KiwiSaver, check: www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver (for information about KiwiSaver) www.sorted.org.nz (for information about saving and budgeting) You can ...
The best fund for you is an individual decision; it should be based on your savings goals (like buying your ...
There's no minimum time you must live in a house bought using a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal.
Yes – each KiwiSaver first home withdrawal application is assessed on an individual basis.
Around 8 to 10 working days from when we get your application. The process takes longer than you might expect ...
You will be eligible for the annual Government contribution (also known as a member tax credit) if you: are a ...
If you are contributing to your KiwiSaver account, you may be eligible to receive an annual Government contribution (also known ...
Yes, a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal can be used to buy land, provided you intend to build a home to ...
Your employer doesn’t have to make contributions after you reach 65. If you’re still working and making employee contributions, talk ...
Yes, you can make regular voluntary contributions to your ASB KiwiSaver Scheme account in FastNet Classic. Find more information on ...
A PIE is a type of investment entity that attributes taxable income to its investors and pays tax on their ...
Yes. You can apply to have your savings transferred to another KiwiSaver scheme whenever you like. Some providers may charge ...
Yes – each KiwiSaver first home withdrawal application is assessed on an individual basis.
Yes. If you are on a savings suspension, you can still get the annual Government contribution (also known as a ...
What does Market Volatility Mean? Market Volatility refers to ups and downs in investment values. From time to time, we ...
What does Market Volatility Mean? Market Volatility refers to ups and downs in investment values. From time to time, we ...
Your employer doesn’t have to make contributions after you reach 65. If you’re still working and making employee contributions, talk ...
You can withdraw your savings when you turn 65. If you have any questions about retirement withdrawal eligibility give us ...
You can leave your savings invested and continue to make contributions to your ASB KiwiSaver Scheme account after you are ...
If you’ve been enrolled in the ASB KiwiSaver Scheme because it's your employer's chosen KiwiSaver scheme, you will have received ...
For general information about KiwiSaver, check: www.ird.govt.nz/kiwisaver (for information about KiwiSaver) www.sorted.org.nz (for information about saving and budgeting) You can ...
The best fund for you is an individual decision; it should be based on your savings goals (like buying your ...
There's no minimum time you must live in a house bought using a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal.
Yes – each KiwiSaver first home withdrawal application is assessed on an individual basis.
Around 8 to 10 working days from when we get your application. The process takes longer than you might expect ...