
Do I need to have an ASB savings account to use Save the Change?

Last Updated: 27 Jul 2021

Yes, although it can be either your own ASB savings account or someone else's, whoever you'd like to receive the money.

If you don't have an eligible ASB savings account, you can apply for an account online.  

In the ASB Mobile Banking app:

  1. Log in and select Open & apply from the main menu. 
  2. Select Transaction or Savings account and follow the instructions.

In FastNet Classic:

  1. Log in and select ‘Open and apply’ on the accounts page.
  2. When the Open & apply page opens, select 'Open an account' from the Bank accounts section.
  3. Select a savings account and follow the instructions to apply.

How do I send my Save the Change savings to someone else's ASB savings account?

If you’d like to Save the Change for someone else, such as your children or grandchildren, you can.  Their account will need to be an eligible ASB savings account.

In the ASB Mobile Banking app:

  1. Log in and select the transaction account you are Saving the Change from. 
  2. On your Account summary, select 'Save the Change Setup' under 'More options'.
  3. Under Change goes into, select Another person's account.
  4. Add their name and account details and the reference to appear on their account.
  5. Select 'Done'.

In FastNet Classic:

  1. Log in and open the menu in the top left of the screen.
  2. Select 'Financial wellbeing' and then 'Save the change'.
  3. Select 'View/Edit setup'.
  4. Under You are Saving the Change to, select 'Add another Account'.
  5. Select 'Another person’s ASB savings account'.
  6. Add their name and account details and the reference to appear on their account.
  7. Select 'Add', and then 'Save and close'.

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