With car insurance, what is the difference between market value and agreed value?

Last Updated: 03 Feb 2023
Your policy schedule shows the sum insured amount you have chosen, and whether you have an Agreed value or Market value policy.

Agreed value

The agreed value is the fixed amount we agree to insure your car for in your current insurance period. When you make a claim, if we decide your car is a total loss, we pay you the car's sum insured. We deduct the applicable excesses and any premium you owe us up to the end of the period of insurance before we settle a total loss claim. The sum insured is the amount you choose to insure your car for, including the value of any modifications or accessories.

Market value

When you make a claim, we'll work out the market value, based on the estimated reasonable cost of replacing your car with one of the same make, model, year, specification and condition just before the loss or damage. If we decide your car is a total loss, we pay you your car's market value just before the loss or damage happened, or your sum insured if that is less. We deduct the applicable excesses and any premium you owe us up to the end of the period of insurance before we settle a total loss claim.

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