
How to cancel and replace your ASB Credit or Debit card using the ASB Mobile Banking app

If your ASB Visa Credit or Debit card has been lost or stolen you can easily and quickly take control using the ASB Mobile Banking app.

For detailed step-by-step instructions, download and print the guide.

If your ASB Visa Credit or Debit card has been lost or stolen you can easily and quickly take control using the ASB Mobile Banking app.

  1. Log in to the ASB Mobile Banking app and select More on the bottom bar.

  2. Then tap Cards & devices.

  3. Choose the card you need to cancel and replace.

    Tip: You will need to enter your five-digit PIN if Touch/Face ID has been used to log in.

  4. Scroll down and tap Cancel and replace card.

  5. You'll be taken to the card replacement screen with some information about cancelling and replacing your card. Select Get started.

  6. From the drop-down list, choose what card you want to replace and why you need to replace it.

    We'll send your new card to the address we have for you on file, please check that it is correct before you continue. If you need to update it - select Edit address.

    Start typing your new address and select the correct delivery address from the address finder. If it doesn't populate you need to select Can't find it and manually add your address.

    Then select Next.

  7. Review the information and if you're happy select Submit.

    Success! Your card has been cancelled and you should receive your new card within 5 to 7 business days.

    If the card you have replaced was previously set up for Apple Pay or Google Pay™, your new card details will be active the next business day and will be available to make payments with.

ASB's lending criteria, terms and conditions apply.