
What do I do if I no longer use a registered device?

Last Updated: 17 May 2023

Deregister your device once you have decided to sell or give away your device. You can deregister it on the same or another device with the ASB Mobile Banking app:

Settings > Devices > Manage Devices

  1. Launch the ASB Mobile app
  2. Tap on More
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Under Devices
  5. Tap Manage Devices
  6. Remove any devices that are old or that you do not recognise

Tip: You can review the date a device was last used by selecting more information

You can deregister it from FastNet Classic internet banking:

Log in > Manage Device

  1. Log in to FastNet Classic internet banking
  2. Tap your username on the right top corner of the screen
  3. Then select Manage Devices
  4. Tap Remove in front of a device you have sold or gifted away

If you can’t access the Mobile app or FastNet Classic, call us on 0800 803 804, or +64 9 306 3000 if you are overseas to have your device deregistered.

Consider backing up your content on another device first.

Then before you sell (or give away) your phone or tablet restore it to its factory settings. That erases all your personal data,

Here's how:

  1. Find the 'Reset' section of device’s settings menu
  2. Follow the prompts

Or check on the relevant website:

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